Principal's Message

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):
It is my pleasure to introduce myself. My name is John Husome. I am the new principal of Mckinleyville Middle School. I am a veteran administrator with sixteen years of experience in K-8 settings. I’ve also taught fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students for fourteen years.
Prior to taking this position, I toured the Mckinleyville Middle School. I saw kids enjoying each other’s company, smiles, and laughter. During my tour I also saw excellent teachers, a staff who care deeply about what they’re doing, an excellent and attractive facility, gardens, hands-on science projects, teachers who were eating lunch together and collaborating, teachers who were eating lunch with their students, and a host of other positive aspects of the program. Although there are areas for improvement there are also many positive aspects of the school. I’m excited to join the team.
My motto with students is firm, fair, and friendly – in that order. Consistent behavioral expectations shared by all staff and natural consequences are the foundation of creating a safe and caring learning environment that all students deserve. A safe and positive school experience for all students will be my primary goal in year one, while also establishing a foundation for social-emotional and academic growth. You will learn details about this in future communications.
I have two children, Sawyer, who will be attending Arcata High, and Zane, who will be attending Cal Poly Humboldt in the fall. My wife is both a certified family practice nurse practitioner as well as a certified mental health nurse practitioner. We are excited to become part of the greater Humboldt County community.
I look forward to meeting you in person and learning about how I can partner with you in meeting your child’s social-emotional and academic needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.
John Husome